Southern Women Can Cook Meme Funny

Funny Southern Words (Y'all'll be Fit to Split)

If you are looking for some funny Southern words or sayings, so you are in the right place. The American S — the states south of the Bricklayer-Dixon line that divides the Usa into horizontal halves — has a culture, sense of humour and slang all its ain. Detect some uniquely Southern words and phrases that portray a special kind of wisdom institute only in the S.

funny southern words by farmer funny southern words by farmer

Words Southerners Say Weird

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What you meet as a weird pronunciation, someone else just might perceive every bit a charming Southern drawl.

  • aint - the sister of one'southward mother or father (I demand to become visit my aint.)
  • caint - tin can't (I caint exercise that.)
  • fitt'in - fixing to, near to (I'm fitt'in to buy one.)
  • fitty - fifty (Can I borrow fitty cents?)
  • i'moan - I am going to (I'moan get to that game.)
  • i'munna - besides I am going to (I'munna go to that game.)
  • 'n em - and them (I'yard goin' to the game with Bob 'due north em.)
  • paints - could refer to actual paint or to pants (Wait a infinitesimal! Requite me fourth dimension to pull on my paints.)
  • tars - tires with a southern drawl (I need to get some new tars for my machine.)

Southerners who speak with a drawl accept a tendency to drop the terminal letter when pronouncing words that terminate in "thousand." This leads to fixin', goin' and other similar pronunciations.

Mutual Southern Words and Phrases

It's not just what you say, it'southward how you say it. These Southern slang words only don't work 'less spoken with a southern drawl.

  • ain't got no - don't have any (I ain't got no money 'til payday).
  • buggy - shopping cart (Bring in a buggy from the parking lot.)
  • darn tootin' - for sure, certainly, sure is (Will I take the job? Darn tootin' I volition!)
  • down to the - going somewhere, regardless of direction (I'm going downwards to the church.)
  • drawers - clothes with leg holes, such as pants, jeans, underwear (I simply need to pull on my drawers. And then I'll be ready to go.)
  • fixin' - about to (I'm fixin' to offset cooking dinner.)
  • kin - the state of being related to someone (I have to invite Annie. She'southward kin.)
  • kinfolk - people to whom one is related (The Smiths are my kinfolk.)
  • genu high - pocket-sized child (I've known her since she was knee high.)
  • 'less - unless (I tin can't go to the political party 'less I finish my chores.)
  • muddin' - pastime that involves doing wheelies in a four-bicycle drive vehicle through the mud, off-road (Let's get muddin' this weekend.)
  • slap out - all out; had some but don't have whatsoever more (I am slap out of vinegar, so I tin can't brand any more pickles.)
  • turkey shoot - a shooting competition that involves shooting at a target; the prize is a frozen turkey (I'thou gonna try my luck at the turkey shoot next Sat.)
  • unthaw - to thaw (Take that meat out of the freezer and let it unthaw.)

Classic Southern Sayings

Check out some quaint Southernisms that portray a special kind of wisdom merely found in the Southward. You lot're sure to hear some of these any fourth dimension y'all venture below the Mason-Dixon line.

  • well-nigh as much use as - indicates something is the opposite of useful (A pair of size 5 jeans is about as much apply to me every bit a Barbie doll bathing suit.)
  • fit to split - laughing excitedly, extremely difficult laughter. (That was so funny; I'yard fit to divide.)
  • good riddance to bad rubbish - glad that's over; glad that person is leaving (Baton bankrupt upwards with yous? I never liked him anyway. Good riddance to bad rubbish!)
  • have a mind to/have one-half a mind to - to be inclined to practise something. (I've got half a heed to go in there and tell him what I call up of him.)
  • hit the bushes - to go to the bath when there isn't an actual bathroom nearby, such as when line-fishing or camping (Make certain nobody comes back here; I've got to hit the bushes.)
  • articulatio genus high to a grasshopper - a very young child (His family unit lived side by side door when he was knee high to a grasshopper.)
  • like a nail in the head - useless, no reason for (He needs another dog similar he needs a blast in the head.)
  • mad as a mule chewing bumblebees - very aroused; thoroughly ticked off (I am so angry! What she did made me mad every bit a mule chewing bumblebees.)
  • plum tuckered out - very tired (I am plum drained out later that long drive.)
  • puts flies on me - descriptor for something or someone that is off-putting (I don't like that girl. She puts flies on me.)
  • puttin' on the dog - taking things to a high level, going all out (It'south sure to be a corking political party They are really puttin' on the canis familiaris.)
  • like something the cat dragged in - disheveled, in bad shape. (She stayed out all night partying, so now she looks like something the cat dragged in.)
  • that domestic dog won't hunt - an thought or plan that isn't going to work (Good endeavour, son, but that dog won't chase.)
  • useful equally a trap door on a canoe - useless, unhelpful. (That new sequined apparel of hers is about as useful as a trap door on a canoe.)
funny southern trap door on a canoe words

Southern Slang Words for People

In that location are so many different ways to refer to people in the Southern vernacular that these terms deserve their ain category. Y'all'll demand these vocabulary words to understand who Southerners are talking about.

  • bubba - could mean brother; could mean any male person (Hey bubba, what's up?)
  • honey/sweetie/babe - could exist anyone (gender neutral); could be a term of endearment or a cavalier insult, it'southward all in the tone, you see. (Come here sweetie, let me look at you lot.)
  • mawmaw/memaw - grandmother (My mawmaw loves me the almost.)
  • missy - could be someone named Missy (possibly brusk for Melissa); could be any female person (Look here missy, mind your own business concern.)
  • papaw/pepaw - grandmother (My pepaw taught me to shoot.)
  • sissy - could be someone named Sissy (maybe short for Cecila); could be one's sis (I love my sissy.)
  • my sometime lady - one'south married woman or long-term female partner, not derogatory (My old lady makes the best cornbread.)
  • my old human - i's married man or long-term male partner, non derogatory (My old man cleaned out the garage.)
  • the one-time lady - i's female parent, not derogatory (The former lady took not bad care of us when we were kids.)
  • the former man - 1'due south male parent, not derogatory (The old homo was pretty strict.)
  • we'uns - united states of america; multiple people, including the speaker (We'uns beloved to assemble for Sun dinner.)
  • ya'll - multiple people, not including the speaker (Ya'll get wherever you lot like.)

Southern Phrases Expressing Emotions

Southerners can have strong feelings about lots of subjects, so it shouldn't come as any surprise that their slang features a number of creative ways to express the opposing emotions of acrimony and happiness.

  • angry as a swarm of hornets - seriously aroused (He made her angry as a swarm of hornets.)
  • fit to be tied - furious (What she said made me so mad. I'thousand fit to be tied.)
  • happy as a tick on a fat dog - satisfied, comfortable. (I like my job. I'm every bit happy every bit a tick on a fat domestic dog.)
  • happier than a pig in slop - overcome with happiness; wallowing in joy (I am happier than a hog in slop with my test results.)
  • happier than a tornado in a trailer park - very happy, satisfied (She loves playing basketball. She'due south simply happier than a tornado in a trailer park.)
  • madder than a swarm of bees - extremely angry. (I had never seen her so upset before. She was madder than a swarm of bees.)

Southern Slams and Put-Downs

Own't nobody can voice a put-down like a Southerner. Bank check out some mutual Southern slang slams and snide remarks.

  • ain't got a pot to piss in - bankrupt, someone with no money or ways (Annie told y'all she's paying you $ane,000 for that? She own't got a pot to piss in.)
  • ain't that special - something that is annihilation only special (Sequined underwear? Now, own't that special?)
  • could commencement an argument in an empty business firm - argumentative, difficult person (Don't tell Terry you disagree. He could first an statement in an empty house.)
  • could talk the bark off an oak tree - someone who talks constantly and volition non shut upwardly (Please don't invite Sue Ellen. She is and then chatty she could talk the bark off an oak tree.)
  • high mind and a depression behind - people who aren't rich human action similar they are wealthy (I know what I can afford, unlike some people who've got a high heed and a low behind.)
  • the engine's runnin' but nobody's drivin'- foolish or clueless person; not very smart (Well, I wouldn't take advice from him. Yous know, the engine'southward runnin' but nobody's drivin')
  • the lights are on, just ain't nobody home - describes someone who isn't very smart (I wouldn't borrow her notes to written report. You know, the lights are on, simply ain't nobody home.)
  • ane fry short of a Happy Meal - clueless, crazy or both of the above (Don't get anywhere alone with Tom. You know, he'south i fry short of a Happy Meal.)
  • wouldn't know the truth if it slapped her upside the face up - person who is a chronic liar or 1 who is very naive (Don't believe a discussion she says. That girl wouldn't know the truth if information technology slapped her upside the face.)

Southern Words and Phrases for Nutrient

The South is known for tasty vittles often referred to as soul food. If you lot're looking for something that'll stick to your ribs, y'all merely can't beat a locally owned roadside diner in the Center of Dixie.

Southern Nutrient Vocabulary

Before you visit the Southward, brand sure you acquire the proper terminology for meals and other food-related scenarios.

  • co-cola - Coca Cola brand soft potable; otherwise known as Coke
  • coke - any kind of soft drink; not necessarily a Coke
  • lunch - a cold midday meal
  • dinner - a hot midday repast
  • brand groceries - get to the grocery store; by and large used in Louisiana
  • meat and iii - a main dish meat served with three sides of your choice
  • the squealer - Piggly Wiggly; popular Southern Supermarket

Food-Related Southern Phrases

Southerners have some interesting phrases to utilise to discuss eating nutrient, something that seems to happen an awful lot in the South. Whether someone has eaten too much or is gear up to dine, Southerners definitely enjoy chatting about food.

  • 'bout to starve - seriously hungry (When will dinner be read? I'grand 'bout to starve)
  • full as a tick - very full from overeating; refers to a tick, as in the bug that carries Rocky Mountain spotted fever (I couldn't swallow another seize with teeth. I'm as total as a tick.)
  • iii squares - three square meals per day (He'southward got a practiced appetite. He eats three squares every day.)
  • tide me over - a snack to fight off between meal hunger (I'm looking for a piffling snack to tide me over.)
  • fixing to pop - feeling to fill later on eating likewise much (I ate then much at supper, I was fixing to pop.)
southern words fixing to pop

Words for Distinctly Southern Cuisine

If you're visiting the Due south and you're not familiar with Southern cuisine, it's probably a good idea to verify exactly what is in any food dish you're offered if you're non certain.

  • chicken fried - not to exist confused with fried chicken; a style of coating meat in a heavy batter before deep frying it; usually chicken fried chicken (not a typo) or chicken fried steak
  • chitterlings/chitlins - battered and fried pig intestines
  • Conecuh - refers to Conecuh brand smoked sausage, made in Conecuh Canton, Alabama
  • hash - chopped and fried potatoes in some parts of the South; questionable combination of organ meats in South Carolina
  • hoecakes - pancakes made with cornmeal instead of flour
  • hushpuppies - deep fried cornmeal batter; sometimes has corn kernels or light-green onions mixed in
  • icebox pie - any dessert prepared in a pie crust that has to exist kept refrigerated
  • Miracle Whip - brand of white condiment that every Southerner will tell you is non mayonnaise (no matter what else you do, do not try to pass it off as mayo.)
  • 'nanner pudding - banana pudding made with sliced bananas, vanilla wafers and vanilla pudding; commonly topped with whipped cream
  • okry - okra with a Southern twang; usually breaded in cornmeal and fried; oftentimes be stewed with tomatoes or featured in gumbo

Southern Fried Wisdom

Southerners certainly take a way with words. It's no coincidence that the American South has produced some of America's greatest authors, including Harper Lee of To Kill a Mockingbird fame. Even John Grisham (The Firm, The Pelican Cursory) grew up steeped in the unique dialect and rhythm of the S.

While Southern terminology has spread and is often used in other regions at present, many words and phrases reflect the region's unique spirit. For more colloquial terms associated with the South, check out this collection of hillbilly slang. For even more than insight into how Southerners sometimes talk, explore redneck slang terminology.


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