Justice Dono Are You to Use That Cheat of Yours Again

"Blackquill" redirects here; you may be looking for Aura Blackquill, this character's older sister who is a robotics engineer at the Cosmos Space Center, or for the family unit itself. "Simon" also redirects hither; you may exist looking for "Simon Keyes", the name given to Sōta Sarushiro in the unofficial English fan patch for Gyakuten Kenji ii.

...............Hmph. ......Enough jabbering. Become on with information technology, already.

Simon Blackquill is a prosecutor who was convicted in the aftermath of the UR-ane Incident. Seven years later, he was called to serve as a prosecutor despite serving his murder judgement. Blackquill is known for his utilise of psychological manipulation in court, also as his pet hawk Taka, to intimidate others and bend them to his will. His conviction and tactics in court earned him the nickname of the "Twisted Samurai".


  • 1 Early career
  • ii False confidence
  • 3 Permission to prosecute
    • iii.1 Return to court
    • three.2 Suspicions challenged
    • 3.3 Testing Athena
    • three.iv Return to the Cosmos Space Center
    • 3.5 Retribution
  • 4 Life after prison
    • 4.1 Assisting Athena
  • 5 Personality
  • six Name
  • 7 Development

Early career [ ]

To gain an edge in courtroom, Simon learned analytical psychology from Metis Cykes, who worked at the Cosmos Space Middle aslope his older sister Aura. Through this working relationship, he as well met Metis's girl Athena. During his early on career as a prosecutor, Simon pursued an international spy simply known as "the phantom". One day, he finally obtained a lead: a faint vocalism recording of his target. He sent this to Metis for analysis, in order to build a psychological contour on the spy.

He was also well acquainted with Whet Soba, his favorite restaurant for soba noodles. It was at Whet Soba that Simon outset met Bucky Whet, and through Whet Soba that he besides came to know the Toneido School of rakugo performers.

Simulated conviction [ ]

Chief article: UR-1 Incident

After dismantling Ponco with the blade that killed Metis Cykes.

Smuggling Athena Cykes out of the Cosmos Space Centre.

On October vii, 2020, during ane of Simon'due south visits to the Space Center, he stumbled upon a horrific scene in the robotics lab. Metis was lying on the robot repair bench, dead from a stab wound in her chest. Athena was standing adjacent to the body and explained that she intended to use the repair bench to take Metis autonomously and fix her. Simon thought that there must have been some kind of mistake, but he feared the worst for Athena and decided to comprehend for her while protecting the psychological profile that Metis had generated.

Simon dismantled the nearby robot Ponco with the katana that had been used as the murder weapon, since she was a witness. Equally he was doing this, a visiting journalist defenseless a photograph of him with the blood-stained katana. Simon then put Ponco into a rolling case, picked upward the blood-covered Athena in his artillery, and took both robot and footling girl out of the lab, being caught on security camera as he left (although Athena was positioned in his arms in such a way as to be subconscious from the photographic camera'due south line of sight). He dropped Athena off at the Cykes family unit residence and disposed of Ponco in the garbage chute at Boarding Lounge one. Eventually, a Space Center staff member and 2 police force officers discovered Metis'south torso, and Simon was arrested hours subsequently the offense.

In his prison jail cell.

Simon pleaded guilty to murdering Metis, knowing that going to prison was the best manner to protect both Athena and the psychological profile. Athena tried to explicate that he was innocent, but her cries fell on deafened ears and the prosecutor was establish guilty and sentenced to death. He was later blamed for sabotaging the launch of the Space Center's Hat-i rocket. In prison, Simon kept the psychological profile hidden with the help of his pet militarist Taka, and spread rumors among his fellow inmates to keep the phantom guessing. He would later tell stories about the various inmates that he met in jail.

Metis's murder was given the police designation of "the UR-1 Incident". This incident, forth with the disbarment of veteran defense force attorney Phoenix Wright, heralded a so-called nighttime age of the police force, in which corruption on both sides of the bench became the norm. Aura tried repeatedly to have a retrial done for her blood brother, but without new bear witness, her pleas were ignored. Simon also refused her efforts, knowing that he had to stay in prison house until the right moment, fifty-fifty if it meant that he would be executed.

Permission to prosecute [ ]

Return to court [ ]

Main article: The Monstrous Turnabout

Arriving at court.

Seven years afterward the UR-1 Incident, Principal Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth gave Simon his law license back and had him begin prosecuting once more in hopes of luring out the phantom, with Detective Bobby Fulbright being assigned to help and keep an eye on him. His first trial dorsum pitted him confronting Apollo Justice, who was defending Damian Tenma, mayor of Tenma Town, for the murder of Rex Kyubi, alderman of Nine-Tails Vale. Assisting him was Athena Cykes, who had become an attorney to effort to save Simon. Although Simon put the full force of his psychological tactics on display, Justice managed to pull off a spirited defense of his customer, defeating Simon and proving Damian Tenma'southward innocence.

Suspicions challenged [ ]

Master commodity: Turnabout Reclaimed

Simon would continue to meet the members of the Wright Anything Agency every bit his opponents. When Phoenix Wright regained his badge, he arranged a trial for an orca named Ora "Orla" Shipley, who had allegedly killed her possessor, Jack Shipley. He convinced Simon to take the case by finding evidence of a human being killer, though Simon was still reluctant to participate in such a bizarre trial. Although Wright was successful in acquitting Orla, his arguments led Simon to indict her trainer, Sasha Buckler, instead.

When Wright took Buckler's case, Simon was dislocated equally to why he would become then far to try to get both Orla and Buckler acquitted. He suggested that Wright was but offering his services as an act to benefit from the publicity that the trial brought. To his surprise, Wright not just succeeded in his defense, merely also fought for the true culprit, revealing that Jack Shipley's death had actually been an accident. This act proved to Simon that Wright actually cared about others, and was not but taking on cases to win like other attorneys were.

Testing Athena [ ]

Primary article: Turnabout Academy

Months later, Simon faced off against Athena in the murder trial of her friend Juniper Woods, who was defendant of murdering a instructor at Themis Legal Academy. He used this case to challenge her, to make certain she was worthy of her badge, and run into how hard she would work if she truly wished to save him from his fate. He withheld a crucial piece of evidence in order for her to give her best effort, before presenting the evidence, nullifying her example entirely. However, she pushed through and, during her investigation of the alleged criminal offence scene, was able to ignominy Simon'southward key piece of bear witness.

Somewhen, Athena called Prof. Aristotle Means to the stand up as a suspect for the murder. At this time, Simon acted like a misbehaving student by falling asleep and not waking up during a recording of Means's speech, not proverb "here" when Means did his "whorl telephone call", and walking out of the court without permission due to boredom. Means proved a formidable adversary for Athena, and eventually got into her head and caused her to brainstorm to accept flashbacks to her feelings of helplessness during Simon'southward trial, thus causing her to offset to accept a mental breakdown. Simon helped pull Athena out of her despair by telling her to remember why she had become a lawyer, and that she would not want to disappoint "yous-know-who", referring to himself. With the help of Simon, Justice, Forest, and her friends, Athena pulled herself together and brought the last pieces of her defense force together, bringing Means to justice.

Return to the Cosmos Space Center [ ]

Principal article: The Cosmic Turnabout

A few months afterward, as Simon's execution date approached, the launch of the HAT-2 rocket from the Cosmos Space Center was interrupted by a bombing, which left Clay Terran, ane of the passengers, murdered. Simon was running out of time, and he saw his chance to capture the phantom. He indicted the other rider, Solomon Starbuck, and was relentless in his attempts to convict him. Justice, his opponent, was as relentless in his defense. However, the trial was soon interrupted by the reactivation and detonation of a bomb that was to exist used as evidence, leaving Courtroom No. iv in ruins.

Although Justice recovered, he abandoned the case, leaving Wright to take his place. Wright managed to build an alternative to the prosecution's statement, but Simon refused to take it without prove. To Simon's surprise, Fulbright presented evidence in Wright's favor, claiming that he was worried that Simon was losing his objectivity. The testify that he had was a blood-stained lighter that several witnesses had seen the killer using, and the fingerprints on it did non belong to Starbuck. To everyone's shock, yet, the fingerprints belonged to Athena, who was arrested on the spot.

Retribution [ ]

Primary article: Turnabout for Tomorrow

With only one twenty-four hour period left before his execution, Simon was determined to protect Athena to the end, despite i last effort by Aura to convince him to fight for a retrial. In a last-ditch effort to salvage her brother, Aureola used the Space Centre robots to hold several visitors hostage in exchange for a retrial of the UR-1 Incident. She indicted Athena rather than Simon, and had Edgeworth accept the prosecutor'south bench confronting Wright. Edgeworth initially maintained an reward, but Simon once again attested that he was the true criminal, and gave counterarguments to Edgeworth's assertions.

Simon testified on the occurrences of that twenty-four hour period, claiming that Metis was a cruel person who used Athena in experiments. He testified that he had killed Metis in social club to protect Athena from her. Using Athena's Mood Matrix, Wright found contradictions between his emotions and his claims, causing him to continue to lie to make his testimony more believable. Eventually, Wright caught him on a logical contradiction and identified Athena as the source of his raging emotions, forcing him to admit to what he had really seen. Simon bitterly told Wright off for forcing him to reveal the truth, just Wright went on to prove that neither he nor Athena was responsible for the murder. Even when Justice entered the courtroom to indict Athena for Terran's murder, Wright managed to evidence the influence of the phantom in both cases. Even more shockingly, Wright then accused Fulbright of being the phantom. The homo Simon had been seeking for all those years had been right under his nose.

In the aftermath of Wright's statement, Edgeworth alleged Simon a gratis man and unlocked his shackles for good. Simon thanked Aura and apologized for the trouble he had caused, properly expressing his gratitude for the outset fourth dimension in years. Edgeworth so granted him special permission to take over every bit prosecutor against Fulbright. Simon also entrusted Wright with the phantom's psychological profile.

During the trial, information technology was eventually revealed that the phantom had taken the identity of the real Fulbright, who had died a yr ago. Although the phantom managed to steal and destroy the profile on him, Wright was all the same able to prove his guilt as the one responsible for both murders, the sabotage of both the Lid-i and the Lid-two rockets, and the courtroom bombing. With his cover blown, the phantom's facade crumbled, a sniper shot all of a sudden rang out, and the spy fell to the floor. Nonetheless, he managed to survive the attempt on his life and Simon had him placed under the custody and protection of the prosecutor's office.

Watching the Hat-3 rocket launch.

After the case was resolved, Simon visited the Wright Anything Bureau to ask them to represent Aura in court. Although none of the legal squad were present, he did meet an private who was looking to have Athena defend their father. With a grin, Simon told the visitor that they could very well meet once more in court. Simon was also among those who witnessed the launch of the HAT-3 rocket.

Life subsequently prison [ ]

Assisting Athena [ ]

Primary commodity: Turnabout Storyteller

Watching as Taifu Toneido's body is taken away.

In early May 2028, Simon visited rakugo primary Taifu Toneido at Kurukuru Tei, having received an invitation for a performance commemorating disciple Uendo Toneido's naming ceremony. At the theater, Simon attempted to greet Taifu, but stopped short of inbound the room upon hearing rakugo lines being recited, and opted to wait exterior. During this, he witnessed Geiru Toneido, Taifu's other disciple, feed her canis familiaris Jugemu a surprisingly large amount of dumplings, the residue of which Jugemu cached in the yard. Simon and Geiru later saw Bucky Whet, an old friend of Simon's and proprietor of a soba store, visit Taifu to deliver soba-making supplies. After ten minutes, during which Whet was heard shouting angrily, Whet stormed out of the room. Uendo shortly entered the room and screamed, discovering that Taifu had been murdered. Whet was subsequently arrested for the law-breaking. Upon Simon's request, the Wright Anything Agency took Whet's case, although he was somewhat dismayed to notice that just Athena was available, every bit neither Wright (being in Khura'in at the time) nor Justice (who was decorated helping Trucy Wright with a magic evidence) were around. Subsequently being chosen equally a witness to prove virtually discovering the body, Simon moved to the defence force's demote to assist Athena as her co-counsel, finding the tactics of Prosecutor Nahyuta Sahdmadhi in undermining Athena's example disagreeable. When Athena came close to losing all organized religion in Whet and her ability to defend him, Simon shook her vigorously past the shoulders, reminding her of her duty to her client. Simon's aid and testimony eventually proved instrumental in proving Geiru'south guilt, every bit she had murdered Taifu by suffocating him with udon dough and attempted to get rid of the testify past making the dough into dumplings, which Simon witnessed her feeding to Jugemu.

Simon was after mentioned past Apollo Justice while exploring the caves of Mt. Mitama‏‎ with Dhurke Sahdmadhi.

Personality [ ]


Simon is known for his employ of psychological manipulation in court. Among his tricks are flattery, suggestive persuasion, and implicit death threats. The latter specially comes in various forms, only one of his favorites is his use of iaijutsu with his fingers, causing a "slicing" effect that has been seen to piece a feather in half, and was fifty-fifty able to cut off a piece of Wright's hair. Although these threats are usually idle, they are function of a larger persona that he has built for himself, based off of his reputation equally a ruthless convict on decease row. This allows him to instill fright and uneasiness in others, including his prior chief target, the phantom.

A highly disciplined and focused man, Simon was capable of maintaining his simulated persona for seven years. Although his hands were in shackles, he could break them at whatever time, despite being fitted with stronger shackles every fourth dimension he did so. His faux testimony concerning killing Metis withstood several attacks by Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth without skipping a shell. However, underneath this act is a kind, lawful man who, despite his somewhat intimidating appearance, deeply cares about Athena, to the point of maintaining his guilt to the bitter end in order to protect her and keep the phantom guessing. When forced to testify about what he had really seen, he exhibited a raging whirlpool of emotions with Athena equally the source. After the concluding resolution of the UR-one Incident, he maintained many of his behavioral habits but finally showed his caring self again, thanking Aura for her efforts and apologizing for the suffering that he had caused her. However, despite caring almost and believing in her, Simon isn't adverse to teasing Athena about her skill level and general lack of experience compared to her co-workers and himself. He as well doesn't indulge in her occasional moments where her lack of confidence gets the better of her, preferring to instead make a adept-natured snarky comment or direct telling her to pull herself together. The feeling is mutual, equally Athena likewise cares significantly for Simon'southward wellbeing but likewise throws snark at his direction and pokes fun at his expense at times. Overall his approach tin can be best described every bit strict and akin to tough dearest, letting Athena work her way in and stride in but when it is absolutely necessary for him to do so.

Simon has a dark and somewhat mischievous sense of sense of humour that he mixes in with his intimidation tactics. He often tells larger-than-life stories of prisoners he has met, such every bit a surgeon or a captured ninja, ordinarily to brand a bespeak. He also gives unflattering nicknames to only about everyone other than his rival attorneys, whom he addresses using the Japanese honorific "-dono". However, he has little patience for what he perceives as ridiculous, largely dismissing the many supernatural claims in the trial of Damian Tenma, being very reluctant to allow Wright to cross-examine the orca Orla and even leaving the courtroom after ane witness gave a testimony he accounted "rubbish". Simon was besides annoyed by Nahyuta Sahdmadhi'south cocky-professed moral standing centered on his faith. Interestingly, he despised beingness called a panda.

For all his dangerous persona, Simon follows a lawmaking of honor. He believes trials to exist duels in which prosecutors and defense attorneys wield "blades" to prove their respective cases, frequently preparing his finger iaijutsu while pressing the defense force to nowadays their arguments, further adding to his samurai moniker. He doesn't appoint in illicit tactics opposite to his public reputation every bit a dangerous criminal, and his intimidation tactics, although questionable, are largely not accounted as underhanded. Conversely, he'southward disgusted past tactics he deems equally cowardly or "cheap". For example, Sahdmadhi attempted to use Athena's emotional perception against her, both by swaying the gallery's stance to break her morale, and by hiding vital data under the pretense of "witness privacy". Another was Professor Means's verbal harassment meant to inject insecurity and panic. In both instances, he actively sided with the defense to prove the opposing party wrong.

His pet militarist Taka plays many roles for him. Every bit function of Simon's intimidation game, he sics Taka on attorneys and witnesses alike whom he perceives to be lying, cheating (such as with Apollo Justice'due south bracelet), annoying him, or otherwise obstructing the proceedings. Taka is too used to deliver evidence to other parties and keep the phantom's psychological profile safe. Simon appears to like birds in full general, stating that he believes that penguins are the meridian attraction at aquariums, and condign angry when Dr. Herman Crab belittled Rifle the penguin.

He seemed to take a low initial opinion of defence force attorneys. During Justice's first case confronting him, Simon suggested that Justice might fabricate evidence if the trial were extended, casually inviting Justice to stay in prison to prove his honesty. He afterwards suggested that Wright had but taken both Orla'southward and Sasha Buckler's cases for the publicity, and informed Buckler that Wright would likely carelessness her subsequently she was arrested in Orla's stead. However, Simon seems to have changed his listen in the backwash of the phantom's arrest, as he would go along to approach the Wright Anything Agency for help in defending his sister and Bucky Whet.

Simon has an affinity for Japanese culture, much like his mentor, Metis. He enjoys soba noodles and rakugo, a very traditional course of Japanese storytelling. His all-encompassing knowledge on such subjects lead him to question whether or not Prosecutor Sahdmadhi was capable of taking on a case which revolved around both subjects.

Proper noun [ ]

  • His Japanese surname is a homonym of the discussion "yugami" (歪み) meaning "a warp/distortion", while his given name "Jin" (迅) means "swiftness".
  • His English given name "Simon" comes from the Classical Hebrew "שִׁמְעוֹן" (shim'ón), meaning "hearkening" or "he has heard", but is more than probable a reference to his psychological manipulation, which other characters have compared to the children'southward game "Simon Says". Some other possibility is a reference to the bestselling psychology author George K. Simon, who published a book almost manipulation titled "In Sheep's Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People".
  • "Blackquill" is a combination of "black" and "quill", both references to the black-and-white colors and plume motif in his character design.

Evolution [ ]

  • Simon has the unique speech bubble "Silence!", which he uses in court. In the Japanese version, this is "Damari nā!" (黙りなァ!; lit. "Shut upward!"). This made him the first "rival" character in the main series to have multiple voiced speech bubbling whilst fulfilling the rival part. Miles Edgeworth had previously had multiple voiced speech bubbles, but only while acting as a playable protagonist.
  • The concept for his graphic symbol is that of a contradiction: a prosecutor who is also a criminal. His initial designs focused on the criminal element, just for the concluding blueprint this was switched more towards the prosecutor side, with just some modest bearings of his criminal background (his shackles, colour scheme, and ragged hair). His apply of a militarist is to reflect a samurai vibe, since falconry was a sport conducted by samurai.
  • As shown in his concept art, he initially wielded a sword that interacted with his shackles. However, this was dropped equally "too unrealistic", as swords are illegal for the full general public to own in Nihon, let lonely for a convicted criminal. However, the general idea did survive in his finger-based iaijutsu strike. The initial concept is referenced in Turnabout Revolution, where Justice calls him a "ridiculous prosecutor who wields a samurai sword".
  • During his initial concept, he was the i who had Athena's ability to read emotions, equally shown past his wearing headphones in an early draft. This trait was eventually given to Athena, while Simon was instead given the ability to manipulate people. Likewise, Blackquill was as well planned to be the ane who had just recently returned from America (changed to Europe in the localization), which was also given to Athena in the finish.
  • His spoken communication style in the original Japanese version uses an one-time dialect of Japanese that sounds rough and slightly rude. In the English language version, this is represented with a combination of British English and the Japanese honorific suffix "-dono".
  • Although Simon has vocalisation clips for "Objection!" and "Silence!", he is the but graphic symbol voiced in such a way to appear during in-game anime cutscenes in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies and take no speaking lines. In fact, the merely voiced anime cutscene appearance he has made to date was during the special promotional anime prologue released for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice, although since the events of said prologue conflict with those in-game, it is unclear whether or not it is canonical.
  • Simon is the only returning lawyer character in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice to lack a new cantankerous-test cut-in sprite (including Klavier Gavin, who just has a brief cameo in the main game and a prosecuting part in the non-canonical Apollo Justice: Asinine Attorney DLC case); this is considering he plays the role of Athena's co-counsel in his sole appearance, instead of beingness the prosecutor.
  • Before he was given his final Japanese proper name, Blackquill was known simply equally "Prisoner No. 12", and too had the code-name of "Noise". During the extremely early stages of his development he was known past the elementary placeholder name, "Convict-kun".
  • At one point in his development Blackquill was going to have an apple obsession. As indicated by his concept art, he would eat apples during trials, spin them on his finger, crush them, and throw them at the defense force. This is notably similar to Godot and his coffee obsession.
  • Blackquill's early on concept designs draw him suspended by shackles. Several ideas for how Blackquill could be "tortured" equally a ways of discipline were thought upwardly, including his shackles beingness used for "quartering". Blackquill existence occasionally electrocuted via his modified-shackles by Fulbright was likely the finish outcome of this.
  • During the beginning of evolution several ideas for a "contradictory prosecutor" were originally proposed. Among these ideas was an "immortal prosecutor" who had supposedly been prosecuting for hundreds of years.
  • Blackquill was the get-go prosecutor since Edgeworth to have a reading document animation.


Source: https://aceattorney.fandom.com/wiki/Simon_Blackquill

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